Reading: Shake Hands With The Devil Romeo Dallaire
Since I have the day off anyway, I've decided to watch* the Superbowl. I know absolutely nothing going in and actually had my sister decide who I was rooting for this morning by picking a or b. A was Packers, B was Steelers and she chose B.

Oh Ellen. For a lesbian you sure know how to pick 'em.
I'll update this post throughout the day and let you all know exactly how lost I am.
*Have it on while playing
The Sims 214:30
Things That Baffle Me- In addition to the
4 hour game, there is 4 hour
preshow. What on earth do they have to talk about for 4 hours?- There a red carpet
- Neither team is from Texas. Why are they playing there?
- Canada is part of the NHL, NBA and whatever the acronym for Baseball is, why aren't we in the NFL? Are are we, but our teams just aren't good enough to be really noticed?
High Points
- Guy Feiri doing a demo (with Ritz Crackers)
- It's the 'Ritz Crackers Preshow" which just sounds so ridiculous and makes me laugh a little every time.
- Apparently a guy from my beloved home-town won a contest to go
- Inspirational story from a girl wanting to be the first female kicker in the NFL
- That Tide commercial with Elvis's 'Devil In Disguise'
Things That Baffle Me
- Most of the terminology
- All the fuss over the Stadium
- Harrison Ford's earring
High Points
- Keith Urban's performance. I'm finding I quite enjoy Country.
- Female reporter's outfit.
- Catherine Zeta Jones' earrings.
I got a bit distracted and really took in nothing until I looked up and realised it was six and the game was starting. Sort of.
Things That Baffle Me
- Maroon 5's performance.
- Jamie Foxx babbling about calf muscles.
- The sponsors.
- Can't satisfy my tater-tot craving 'cause I can't open the oven.
High Points
- Jenifer Aniston on the red carpet.
- Cars trailer.
- Inspirational montage before the team ran onto the field. Couldn't help feeling a little psyched up.
- I found frozen yogurt in the freezer.
The game's started and I'm really, really lost even after reading several 'Football for Idiot's' type
articles. Next step is to google Football for complete fricken morons.
Things That Baffle Me
- Apparently you can get in trouble for' excessive celebration'?! Is this a real thing, or was the comenter joking?
- Christina Aguilera singing the anthem. I'd seen SNL mock how singers try to put their own spin on the anthem when they sing at big sporting events, but until today I always assumed they were over-exaggerating it. Shouldn't it be the one song that really doesn't need improving?
- Lea Michelle's pants. It took me the whole of her performance to figure out that she was wearing pants. I couldn't figure out why her legs looked so weird.
- Where are these commericals? Do you only get them in the US? Or do they just really suck-ass this year?
- I did see a car commercial with sheep driving cars.
- My yogurt was delicious
- I just remembered that Glee should be on afterwards which means Darren Criss.

Aw, Yeah.
Bored as shit. Switching to Lost.
♥ G