Monday, April 5, 2010

A Conscious Web?

Location: The Living Room
Mood: Sleepy
Reading: Wake, Robert J. Sawyer

What would happen if the Internet gained consciousness? It's not outside the realm of possibility. Essentially it is a big brain really, constantly being fed new information. What is to truly prevent that spark from occurring? This is exactly what occurs in Wake, the first in Canadian science-fiction genius Robert J. Sawyer's latest series. It is told through several different viewpoints, all intricately woven into a seamless and enthralling story, as Sawyers work always is. Caitlin is blind, at least until a Japanese scientist offers to 'cure her' using an implant. The technology gives Caitlin sight, but not in the way you would assume. She still cannot see the world around her, but she is able to see the Internet. Not the websites and codes that we view daily, but the actual network of websites and links and data. It is while exploring 'Websight' that Caitlin discovers a something out there.

It truly is a fascinating book. Caitlin often references Helen Keller's experiences throughout. Keller described her life prior to the breakthrough by her teacher Annie, as being rather wild. No real conscious thought, just impulses. Then Annie broke succeeded in bringing forth what Keller calls her 'Soul Dawn'. What is to stop something similar from occurring with the web?

I'm afraid I'm not explaining it very well, but trust me, it is well worth a read. If you like Sawyer's stuff be sure to check out Calculating God, and Flash Froward, which has been adapted into a fairly successful television show. And, if your a sci-fi fan, you'll like his lecture "A Galaxy Far, Far Away My Ass" which can be found on YouTube.

♥ G

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