Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Poor Writing and Making a Difference

Reading: Kingdom Keepers: Disney in Shadow Ridley Pearson

The other day I received a (belated, but lovely) birthday gift of chocolate, a sweet card and a Kiva gift certificate. Kiva is an organization which "...empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe." Basically, you can lend a small amount to an entrepreneur of your choice in a developing country. The website lists the entrepreneurs, how much they need, what the need it for and how much of that has been raised. Once the loan is repaid, you can either donate it Kiva or loan it to someone else. I chose a woman in South Sudan who wants to build a shelter for her firewood business. I definitely intend to get more involved in this, and hopefully I can get some more people into it too. Guess what people are getting for Christmas this year :D!

I have a confession to make. In addition to my Harry Potter obsession, I am a die-hard Disney lover. It's completely magical to me, no matter how much I see of it. This led me to begin reading the Kingdom Keepers series by Ridley Pearson a few years ago. The basic premise is that Disney World is using some new tech to create virtual "hosts" to act as tour guides in the parks. Through a glitch in the system however, the kids who were the models for these "DHIs" (Disney Host Interactive) become their holograms when the go to sleep at night. So they basically get to run around Magic Kingdom after hours. Oh, and they have to save the world and stuff. I loved the first one and really enjoyed the second one. As for the third "Disney in Shadow".... it feels as though Pearson had planned a third book (indeed, the second ends in almost a cliff hanger), but then didn't really have time, or didn't want to write it when the time came. The result is a choppy third installment reminiscent of a pre-teens first FanFic. It's a bit like listening to your favorite song through a bad radio. You can tell there's something good there, but it gets a bit lost amid all the static. As a result it has taken me ages to get through a book that should've only taken a few days. It's disappointing to say the least, especially coming after "Insatiable" which was amazing. I'll keep going though.

<3 G

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